Friday, May 1, 2009

April 18

The Korean forsythia by the north front corner of the house bloomed on April 18:

It was much more full on April 24:

April 16

I know I said I'd publish separate posts by date of blooming, but I've decided to post them by date of picture and note the date of blooming in the narrative instead.

Our next flower is another crocus that bloomed on April 15 but didn't get photographed until the day following (after some animal did a little damage to it).

On April 16 two squills bloomed: a striped squill by the back sidewalk:

And a siberian squill in the lawn and close to another striped squill:

Later the siberian squills got quite numerous and their color dominated the still bleak yard (this batch is by the front bed that had still not been completely raked on April 24 when the pictures were taken):

April 11

Our first flower bloomed today, our older daughter Sarah's birthday by happy coincidence. It's a crocus that seems lost in the barren garden at even just a few feet of distance.

But it's quite pretty up close.